mdbuild typically does not create the final output formats but compiles the source files that are required by other tools (jekyll, latexmk, pandoc) for rendering the output. For some formats a temporary folder is required, and the temp folder requires a bit of housekeeping.

A good practice way for bringing together preprocessing and rendering the final output is a makefile that defines one rule per output format, and a rule for cleaning and setting up the temporary folder.

mdtools containts a sample makefile and a sample project.yaml that demonstrate how this all fits togeter, as well as a sample buildscript that runs clean, setup, and build rules for all target formats in sequence. For most applications all it would take to get going is this:

  1. set the desired output filename in config/local-conf
  2. remove or comment the target formats that are not required

Then you can run make <format> to test one specific format, and source for a clean build of all formats.